Selasa, 08 September 2015


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello readers, I want to tell you now about peace.......

From web, peace is a period of harmony between different social groups that is characterized by lack of violence or conflict behaviors, and the freedom from fear of violence. Shortly, peace is a state where there is no conflict or disturbance.

Everyone wants peace right?. Imagine yourself living without problems and all. It must be a really good life. Peace is actually not impossible to be reached. But it's hard because there is a lot of people that have ego and they're think that better than the other and that will make a new conflict again and again.

There's actually so many opinions about peace. Some of opinions are based on religion. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, etc all have their own opinions, but in fact essentially the same. And for the example, I will talk about Albert Einstein opinions or quotes about peace.

" Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding "- Albert Einstein

From the quotes above, we can say that peace cannot be force because there will be no peace if we use force to achieve peace. We can achieve peace if only we can understand each other. Therefore, firstly we need to understand people around us so there will be no conflict and we can achieved peace together:)

Okay I think that's all that I can tell to you about peace, if you have a different way of thinking its okay. Bye!!!Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb 

A Good Leader

We need a leader among us. Of course we must choose a good leader. A good leader has some qualifications, and I will explain to you about that now.

First of all, a good leader needs to have a good vision and a leader must have commitment . A leader must have goals. A leader must work hard to prove their commitment so that he will be respected.

Second, a good leader must work honestly because a leader will be an example for the people around him.

Third, of course a good leader also needs good people to lead, and those people must help the leader to accomplish the goals.

And lastly, A good leader must be confident because a leader can influence people around him. For example, if the leader confident, of course the people around him also will think positive and the leader will be able to gain more trust from people around him.

So, being a good leader is not an easy job, and its very hard to find someone who has above charactheristics. But we all can be leaders if we want, we can make ourselves better and better and eventually, we'll surpass all of the qualifications above. 

That's all I can talk about a good leader, thank you!